How credit affects your car insurance premiums - AUTO INSURANCE

How credit affects your car insurance premiums - AUTO INSURANCE

How credit affects your car insurance premiums - AUTO INSURANCE

Besides your driving history and type of vehicle, your credit score can influence what you pay for auto insurance. Here are some answers to common questions about your auto insurance premiums and credit scores.

How does Nationwide come up with car insurance premiums?

Some of the rating factors that influence your auto insurance premiums include:

  1. Age or driving experience
  2. How your vehicle is used
  3. Driving and claims history
  4. Geographic location
  5. Credit history
  6. Make and model of your vehicle(s)

Make and model not only influences your auto insurance premiums, it can also determine what type of car insurance you need. For example, classic car insurance is specifically designed for the unique needs of those who appreciate the classics.

How does credit affect car insurance prices?

Nationwide uses a credit-based insurance score when determining premiums. Studies show that using this score helps us better predict insurance losses. In fact, 92% of all insurers now consider credit when calculating auto insurance premiums. Learn how you can save on costs by taking advantage of affordable car insurance with discounts.

How does Nationwide determine this credit-based auto insurance score?

For the credit portion of your insurance score, these are the key factors:

Payment history, including delinquencies or late payments

Length of credit history

Types of credit, such as credit cards and loans

When determining your car insurance credit score, sex, marital status, age, ethnicity, address and income are never considered.

How can my credit insurance score benefit me?

A credit-based insurance score allows insurers to quote the fairest, most appropriate rate for every customer. About half of our existing customers pay a lower premium based on their credit score.

Does a good credit score result in a good car insurance score?

It’s an apples-to-oranges comparison, so not really. Insurers don’t look at credit the same way a financial institution does. Insurers consider only information that pertains to potential losses.

How does Nationwide protect customer information?

Nationwide has many safeguards in place to ensure the confidential and responsible handling of your personal information.

The only employees who see your information are those who need it for legitimate business purposes – to provide products or services to you.

No Nationwide associate will ever view your actual credit report

How can I improve my credit score?

Visit the Federal Trade Commission for more consumer credit information and resources that explain how to improve your credit score.

What is an extraordinary life circumstance?

At Nationwide we value our customers. We have an extraordinary life circumstance process that applies in all states. If your credit information has been directly influenced by one of the following events, you may qualify for reconsideration of your premium.

Any catastrophic event declared by the federal or a state government1

Total or other loss that makes your home uninhabitable1

Divorce or dissolution of marriage

Death of a spouse, child or parent

Serious illness or injury, either to you or to an immediate family member

Temporary loss of employment for three months or more, if such loss is due to involuntary unemployment

Military deployment overseas

Identity theft

If you have any questions about credit and how it can affect your insurance rates, feel free to contact your Nationwide agent any time.

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